More analysis and development is put into navy technology and innovation then some other trade or discipline. Our digital media culture bombards the current world with mass replica and reproducibility that can fool the human eye. Human sources and the attributes — language, habit, social organization — came before technology. Nonetheless, our society has change into too depending on technology to be able to give it up any time soon.
Screenagers are defined as humanity’s evolutionary next step able to living with and thriving in the uncertainties of youngsters of the newborn-boomers at the moment are of their thirties, however, to a big diploma, the dominant forces in society – politicians, business leaders – are from the Child Boomer era.
With the new rising social media, we change into the media grid in our makes use of of the devices and we ultimately change into the grid, and this has precipitated disequilibrium for the human being looking for to adapt to his new technological and social communication milieu.
Maybe, instead, (if there have been a Satan in any respect), it is work could be to make folks really feel progress and technology and make them need to return to a time when folks lived in a lot more ignorance than they do immediately, and when there was nothing anybody might do about illnesses, circumstances, accidents that as we speak are curable (or at the victims are in a position to be helped by technology not directly).
How actual is actual will be decided by the amelioration of all totally different acknowledged patterns and theories, and technologies and their strategies too, that cope with media and its setting and how these make the human being a center of their interrogation and applications along with all his reality — and those of the technology.