Science, Technology, And Intellectual Property
Lomba Cerdas Cermat adalah ajang kompetisi yang menguji kemampuan siswa mengenai pengetahuan tentang ilmu-ilmu IPA dengan sistem pengisian soal untuk pelajar tingkat SD/Sederajat dan SMP/Sederajat se-Wilayah II Bogor. What’s been misplaced is the continual back-and-forth between the science and the actual disease” that has, historically, been the supply of main medical advances. The contrast of views also raises interesting questions about what we should be doing in science training and about how citizen science would possibly fit into that program. Science and technology has truly largely contributed to the vision of man about himself.
But for subjects that are extremely complex, reminiscent of Alzheimer’s disease and criminal behavior, the connection between scientific data and technology is tenuous and mediated by many assumptions — assumptions about how science works (mouse brains are good models for human brains); about how society works (criminal conduct is brought on by mind chemistry); or about how know-how works (medicine that modify mind chemistry are a good way to change legal behavior).
The editors discourage submission of papers which describe results from routine surveys or monitoring packages, research which are local in scope, laboratory experiments, hydroponic or pot studies measuring biochemical/physiological endpoints, meals science research, screening of recent plant species for phytoremediation, testing known chemical compounds in one other setting, and experimental research missing a testable speculation.
They published their results in the 1998 article The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine” The summary begins: In this paper, we present Google..” — the online-search …